Lymington Harbour
Lymington Harbour is located within an attractive estuary on the Hampshire coast at the western end of the Solent. The estuary is 2 miles long with the entrance channel lying between salt marshes. It is shared by yachtsmen, fishermen, and the Isle of Wight ferry.
Credit Image: Lymington Harbour Commissioners
Lymington River is well sheltered and access is available at all states of tide making it a popular destination for visiting yachtsmen. The speed limit is 6 knots with an advisory of 4 knots upstream of the wave screens near the entrance to the Lymington Yacht Haven.
There is a double High Water at Springs which gives a stand of 3 hours. At Neaps there is a stand of 2 hours. The tidal range at Springs is 3.1m and at Neaps 1.5m.
On approach the first thing you see is the yacht club starting platform with a distant backdrop of masts in the Yacht Haven marina. Leave the platform well to starboard. Jack in the Basket is a single red pile with a basket top-mark to the southwest of the entrance. Water depth in much of the marked channel is in excess of -2.0m below chart datum. However, on the marked channel margins the depth of water is shallower in some locations. Please give way to the Wightlink ferries.
At night, the main channel piles are lit, green to starboard and red to port – see a chart for flashing characteristics. Leading lights for entering the river are fixed red on 319°T.
In Short Reach (as the river bends to the right) there are 2 red and white transit posts lit by fixed white directional lights to the west of the river at the south end and 2 black and white posts similarly lit on the east side of the Reach at the north end. These are to assist the ferries to line up and pass in the river.
Either side of the marked navigation channel in Short Reach are rock breakwaters. The end of the eastern breakwater that is nearest the navigation channel is marked at night by a beacon displaying 2 fixed green lights vertically disposed. The end of the western breakwater that is nearest the navigation channel is marked at night by 2 fixed red lights vertically disposed. The extent of both breakwater underwater footprints is marked by yellow special marks mounted on vertical posts – keep clear.
The wave screens mark the beginning of the inner harbour. Beyond these you pass to port in quick succession the entrance to the Yacht Haven marinas. Dan Bran visitors’ pontoon, the Harbour Master’s pontoon and the Harbour Office, public slipway, the 2 yacht clubs and Berthon Lymington Marina which faces the ferry terminal on the opposite bank.
Above the ferry terminal the channel narrows and turns to port between 2 lines of piles forming moorings. This part of the channel has a maintained depth of 1.7m below chart datum up to the Town Quay where there is a walk ashore visitor pontoon and fore and aft moorings for visiting craft, both just 2 minutes’ walk from the Town Centre.
Lymington Harbour Commission Visitor Berths & Facilities
The Town Quay pontoon has 46 walk ashore berths (for boats up to 12m) with power, water and free Wi-Fi. Berths include 26 finger berths and 20 alongside / rafted berths for boats up to 12m. During the summer season the majority of berths can be booked in advance through the Harbour office or online. A small number of rafting berths are available on a first come first served basis. Fore and aft buoys are also available on a first come, first served basis.
The Dan Bran pontoon is a separate bookable visitor walk ashore pontoon that can accommodate boats up to 26m. The pontoon has electricity, water and free Wi-Fi and can accommodate rallies of up to 50 (10m) boats moored together. There are also 6 bookable berths for smaller boats up to 8m in length on the inside of the Harbour Master’s Pontoon. Both pontoons are located adjacent to the Royal Lymington Yacht Club, Lymington Town Saing Club and the Mayflower Inn.
During the winter season, visitor berth number are limited.
Free washrooms and showers are provided adjacent to the visitors’ moorings on the Town Quay. Visitors to the Dan Bran pontoon can use the washroom and shower facilities at the adjacent Lymington Town Sailing Club.
Three scrubbing grids are available immediately north of the Royal Lymington Yacht Club. Reservations and payment must be made through the Harbour office first.
There is a public slipway from the Bath Road car park; a charge is made for launching which must be paid in advance. Please pay using the QR code displayed on the slipway, via the Lymington Harbour website, or at the nearby Harbour Office. Public pontoons for landing can be found at the Town Quay and off the car park in Bath Road. Boats must not be left unattended in the yellow hatched emergency area on the Harbour Master pontoon.
Contact: Lymington Harbour Commissioners, Harbour Office, Bath Road, Lymington SO41 3SE. Tel: 01590 672014. Website:
Contact Lymington Harbour on VHF Ch 66 (office hours) for details of visitor berth availability and to confirm mooring arrangements.
Lymington Yacht Haven
Credit Image: Lymington Yacht Haven
Lymington Yacht Haven is the first marina that comes into sight as you make your way up the Lymington River. The Yacht Haven offers 24/7 service, on-the-water fuel, luxury showers, complimentary Wi-Fi, and a stunning bar and restaurant with panoramic views across the Solent to the Isle of Wight.
Lymington Yacht Haven boasts a comprehensive range of marine services on-site, including full hoists and wash off facilities, engine servicing and repairs, rigging specialists, and a well-stocked chandlery. Out-of-hours haul outs are available in emergencies.
Contact: Lymington Yacht Haven, Kings Saltern Road, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 3QD. Tel: 01590 677071. Website:
Berthon Lymington Marina
Credit Image: Berthon Lymington Marina
Berthon Lymington Marina is a five gold anchor marina situated on the western bank of the Lymington River, just a quiet 10-minute stroll from the beautiful Georgian town. In the town, you'll find cafes, restaurants, and local shops. The marina is a 10-minute motor from the open waters of the Solent and is one of the longest-established marinas in the UK. Lymington Marina offers 300 deep-water, well-protected berths for yachts up to 45m (150ft) LOA.
Full marina facilities are available, including acclaimed luxury washrooms with underfloor heating and shower seats. Additionally, a concierge service is provided by Berthon's friendly Dockmasters. The onsite boatyard caters to all aspects of boat maintenance, from engineering to painting, in state-of-the-art purpose-built sheds. Whether you're just visiting or securing an annual berth, you're guaranteed the warmest of welcomes
Contact: Lymington Marina Berthon, The Shipyard, Bath Road, Lymington, Hampshire, SO413YL. Tel: 01590 673312. Email: Website:
Please note, this information is to be used as a guide only and not for navigation