Newtown Harbour
Newtown Harbour, on the Isle of Wight, lies to the west of Newport and east of Yarmouth. Newtown is a National Nature Reserve administered by the National Trust, and is a fragile area for wildlife and a low key, quiet, and unspoilt location.
© John Faulkner
The winding estuary at Newtown has provided a sheltered harbour for boats over many centuries. It is thought to have once been capable of accommodating much larger ships than the pleasure craft which use it today. The silting up of the channels led to the decline of Newtown as the harbour became difficult to navigate.
When approaching Newtown from either east or west, vessels should keep to the West of the West Cardinal fairway buoy. Upon approaching the entrance, keep the lateral buoys on the appropriate side . The minimum draft in the entrance at Low Water Springs is approximately 2m, therefore boats can enter Newtown River at Low Water. However, vessels should navigate with caution at this time. Prudence and good seamanship should suggest arrival on a rising tide!
The leading marks are on a bearing of 130°. The speed limit is a maximum of 5 knots. If a vessel, such as a fully loaded RIB, is creating excessive wash at 5 knots then speed should be reduced further. Depths vary throughout the estuary.
Anchoring is free of charge, however visitors are encouraged to make a voluntary donation to the National Trust which maintains this beautiful location. There are visitor moorings in the estuary, charges apply. Donations and mooring charges may be paid to the Harbour Master’s launch as he patrols the estuary. The Harbour Master can be contacted by phone on 01983 531424, but not VHF.
Water is available on the landward end of the footbridge at Newtown Quay; waste facilities at Shalfeet Quay. There is a landing place at Shalfleet Quay which is the main point of access to reach the New Inn. There is a National Trust visitor point at the Newtown Nature Reserve and the nearest toilet is at the Visitor Point in the National Trust car park in Newtown village near the Old Town Hall. Refreshment facilities are in nearby villages. A free local information leaflet can be obtained from the Harbour Master.
Contact: Newtown Harbour Master. Tel: 01983 531424. Extracts from ‘Discovering Newtown’ are reproduced with the permission of the National Trust. Visit to find out more
Please note, this information is to be used as a guide only and not for navigation